
“Being a mom has made me so tired. And so happy.” ~ Tina Fey

There are weeks that are busy, and then there are weeks that are crazy busy. This was one of them.

Daughter had a big arts and crafts project due this week, so we had to buy scrapbook, printer ink, and design papers over the weekend, then do all-nighters just to finish cutting and pasting each picture page. This was on top of her quarterly reviews, of which we also had to review for every night.

This week also meant brand presentations for work, as well as financial reviews. We also launched our new drugstore campaign going live this week at Bicol. So lots more emails, meetings and follow ups were scheduled too.

Condo was scheduled for kitchen backsplash tiling this week, as well as cabinet and grill sizing and consultation. So I had to buy all materials and cleaning equipment in preparation for the construction ahead.

Husband, on the meantime, was scheduled for a store opening out of town, which meant that he was away for most of the craziness. It was me, myself and I left to do the dirty job.

Naturally, this took a toll on my already overworked body, and I had to work despite my flu in order to do all of the above. 

Sometimes, a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do. Being tired does not even begin to describe how I feel about all this flurry. I’m reminded of the juggling act we all have to play everyday as working mothers, and the reminder seems even more resonant this week with all that is happening. 

What does it mean to be really tired? This mom was able to capture mommies “being tired“, so others would start to understand. 

Because more than saying, “this too shall pass”, all we need is a kindred soul saying yes, we acknowledge that being tired is part of the package, and we do understand. 

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